Recovering from Burnout: Learning to Feel Okay Again

5 minute read

written by Cápita Works

May 13, 2022

The pandemic brought many changes in the way people work and it disrupted the daily routines of millions of people. Work is slow and there’s a higher risk of burnout.

Even now in a post-pandemic world, many find it challenging to go back to work in the office or adapt to hybrid work or remote work models. Although we are slowly getting back to normal it can be challenging to change your routine into one that demands more energy as you start to leave the house more than you got used to during the pandemic.  

High-energy demanding situations can lead to burnout. Burnout is the emotional, physical, and psychological exhaustion that results from too much stress. It's a common problem for professionals, especially those in stressful jobs.

Feeling burnt out doesn’t necessarily mean you have to abandon your activities. Recovery can be achieved by learning some coping strategies and better stress management. The key to reverse burnout is to have proper self-care.

Self-care means taking the time to exercise, eat healthy foods and get enough sleep. Procuring self-care is also helpful in preventing burnout. As these three key elements help to rest and recharge, helping maintain energy levels and thus preventing burnout by avoiding draining your energy and always replenishing it.

Maintaining a work-life balance is also essential, you need time to relax and focus on something other than work. Spending time doing activities of your interest or socializing are some good ways to spend your time outside work.   

What practical steps can you take to recover from burnout?Try this:

1. Take notes and track your stress levels. The first step to recovery is acknowledging you are burnt out and taking steps to minimize stress. To track stress levels and identify what can be triggering it, keep a stress journal.

  • Describe any stressful events you might encounter during the day, such as traffic, deadlines, and office politics. If you're having trouble coping, write down how you feel as well as what's happening. This will help clear and calm your mind, as well as releasing the emotions that are causing tension in your body.
  • Over time, you'll be able to better understand how stress is affecting you. 

 When in a stressful situation write down the things that are within your control and those that are not. Do your best within those that are in your control to give good results. Let go of the things you cannot control. If it is out of your hands, no amount of worry can stop them from happening.

2. Uncover your stress triggers. When stress starts to take a toll, it can be helpful to understand what causes it. Consider what your life was like before your burnout. Were you always so busy that you couldn't or wouldn't take a break? 

  • Were you under a lot of stress? If so, you may unintentionally be causing stress in your own life. It's also a good idea to pay attention to situations, people, or scenarios that repeatedly trigger your anxiety. 
  • When you uncover these triggers, try being mindful about them the next time you encounter them in a situation. Once you have identified the trigger, ask yourself why or what specific things are causing which feelings?  

 While we may not always be able to avoid stressful situations, identifying triggers and acknowledging feelings is a way that can help reduce stress.

3.  Seek professional help. Many people who experience burnout feel shame or embarrassment and don't understand that appropriate treatment can be helpful.

  • Burnout is a treatable condition that you can recover from. A therapist can help you overcome your burnout by teaching you how to manage stress, recognize your triggers and teach you healthy coping mechanisms.

4. Adopt the habit of journaling. A journal is a place to document your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Journaling can help you process your problems and recognize patterns. As well as, help in understanding your triggers and the reason behind your burnout.

  • Although it might take a while to develop the habit, journaling can work wonders for your recovery. The way journaling works to help you deal with stress is by helping you to release the feeling and understand why you are feeling stressed.
  • This understanding will help you change how you respond to stress in the future by being more mindful about how you handle your emotions. 

5. Make exercise a regular aspect of your routine. Exercise is a great way to clear your head and relax. Since it can be painful to push yourself while the burnout is still affecting you, ease back into exercise slowly.

  • Start with a few minutes of walking or stretching, and gradually work your way up to more exercise as you feel more empowered to take on new challenges.
  • It might feel counterintuitive to fight stress with physical activity. But exercise can help you feel more energized and relieve stress. It is great for the body as it helps release the tension that built-up from stress and can even lead to better sleep and a faster recovery.

When suffering from burnout, the more you take proper care of yourself, the better you'll feel, and the easier it will be to recover. 

Also, a change of occupation can help, if possible. If you can't change careers or quit your job, you may want to consider enlisting the help of your team members who could help you get through the difficult times and may understand what you’re going through. Find someone who is understanding and patient but still firm.

If this doesn't work or isn't an option, try seeing a professional therapist to give you stress management strategies and how to cope when you are feeling burnt out. Therapists can help guide you through some challenging situations and help you make it through this tough period in life. Now, take this advice and apply it at your next remote job. Check out our job openings!


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