Virtual Assistants for Financial Services

5 minute read

written by Yahely Hernández

Oct 30, 2021

What is it that moves the world today? Is it money? Or perhaps technology? It is a very impartial response that calls into question our motivations as human beings.

What we do have enough certainty in is that finances and technological advances work hand in hand in overcoming challenges, reinventing, and managing to change the position that humanity once had before them.

Financial institutions, as well as the internet constitute a very complex global network. Currently, there are more and more people with experience in different areas of economics and finance who become financial advisors. They provide advice or services to small businesses and individuals, taking this niche that had been unexplored for some time and filling empty spaces in personalized financial services. These people built themselves and became what we know today as entrepreneurs.

Now, these entrepreneurs who are now business owners need to position themselves in a competitive market, maintain and identify potential clients, and deal with the challenges of daily life.

With the arrival of COVID-19, a variety of options became available to help businesses continue their operations. Work from home (WFH) came to facilitate the challenges that companies were overwhelmed with when first needing to close their offices. However, motivation prevailed, and so did the desire to continue working. This is when companies switched to a completely virtual method of operations and when virtual assistants gained greater exposure.

Why is everyone hiring a virtual assistant?

Simple…the benefits of integrating a virtual assistant into your team are infinite, for example, they can work a few hours a week, part-time, and even full-time.

These VAs can range from an entry-level profile to a senior-level, depending on the needs of each organization. They can help with administrative work from almost anywhere in the world. Their most valuable tool is the internet, and the best part is, you’re saving money!

More and more companies migrated and continue to migrate to this style of hiring since VAs provide unmatched quality of service.

Here are a few of the things that a virtual assistant can do in the financial services industry:

  1. General support to the finance department
  2. Account monitoring
  3. Budget supervision
  4. Preparation of balance sheets
  5. Customer service
  6. Billing
  7. AR/AP
  8. Tax returns and payments
  9. Projection of financial statements
  10. Maintain cash flow among administrative tasks

The virtual world is here to stay and migrating to technological solutions is just the beginning of a new era, a new era of changes that will lead us to see life differently and manage virtual resources with greater precision.

So, as we asked at the beginning, technology vs money, who directs whom? The important thing is to get the best both of worlds: technology and money. How? Through a virtual assistant.

Are you interested in integrating VAs into your professional service practice? Let's talk about it over a phone call!

Contact us today at (619) 991-9197 or shoot us an email at  


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