Our Client Guarantee – The Cápita Works Advantage

5 minute read

written by Rubí González

Jul 29, 2021

We believe delegating is elevating, but what exactly does this mean?

We understand that commissioning someone else to do a job the same way you would do it yourself could require a complete leap of faith. However, considering we know trust is built and earned over time we feel proud about how hard we work on being thoroughly transparent during our service to you, so you feel complete peace of mind when it comes to hiring your virtual assistant through us.

Because your time is so valuable and delegating is one of our core values, we are the ones who absorb the stressful and sometimes long recruitment process by having our trained professionals review and interview the best candidates, all while offering you the best quotes and finding your key players as fast as possible so you don’t have to take time off your operational tasks.

Our Client Guarantee

Our guarantee is to find you a perfect candidate that meets your company’s needs and standards even if that means crossing multiple borders to scout a professional that matches your business model. On this note, we strive to find the most remarkable virtual assistant for you who performs outstandingly well, is 100% bilingual and passes a rigorous recruitment process completely tailored to your specific requirements.

At Cápita Works we aim to increasing employee retention and loyalty by paying fair salaries and giving everyone private health, dental and life insurance as well as a supportive and engaging work environment.

On the other hand, for our clients we offer the lowest prices and a reduction of occupational risk by taking care of all employee liabilities and demands so you can continue to offer competitive prices and increase you own organization’s profitability. Lastly, to actively demonstrate how much we appreciate our clients we offer redeemable credit to both our existing clients and their colleagues once they choose our hire our services. 


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