Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant You Might Be Overlooking

5 minute read

written by Erika Pichardo-Ley

Dec 01, 2020

Many businesses have turned to hiring virtual assistants in recent months due to the challenges that have arisen because of the pandemic and the economic situation, while others have used this model for years with great success. The truth is that no matter how much experience you have working with virtual assistants, there are some implicit benefits that you are probably not contemplating and that we want to share with you today.

• Contributes to your company’s virtual operations

All businesses, especially the most agile and resilient ones, are proactively seeking to fully virtualize their operations. Starting out by opening up this opportunity to members from other places doesn't sound so crazy now.

• Helps you keep up with client pricing demands

Customers demand competitive prices while the government exerts pressure by raising the minimum wage. One way to counteract this is by saving on talent so that you can meet the demands of both parties and not die trying. According to Adrián J. Romero, CEO of Cápita, the leading company of Virtual Assistants in Mexico, "a company saves between 60 and 75% compared to the USA, even when providing the entire package of social benefits to its remote employees."

• Increases profitability, both yours and your employee’s

It sounds obvious, but by reducing the cost of payroll, renting office space and all the expenses associated with it, profitability will increase and so does your team's payroll performance when you don't have to physically work in the same location every day.

• Allows you to focus resources on key players

The competitive advantage of your company probably lies in the skills, talent and / or experience of your leadership team so saving a few dollars through hiring virtual assistance for certain basic tasks will allow you to provide better benefits to the people who are the true pillar of your company.

• Diversifies your team

In a world where we have a moral obligation to foster diversity in our workspaces, giving opportunities to people from other parts of the world and with backgrounds very different from ours is a great way to support. For this reason, at Cápita we have developed a social responsibility program that prioritizes the hiring of talent among minorities in our communities in Mexico and Latin America.

• Reduces liabilities and employee demands

When your team grows, so do the occupational risks and the probability of being the subject of a labor lawsuit. Reduce these costs and the risks associated with them by hiring a company that will be responsible for all the legal and tax commitments of the staff who work for you.

• Find the diamond in the rough

According to Erika Pichardo-Ley, Head of Client Relations at Cápita, “it’s very common among our clients that virtual collaborators become fundamental pieces within the company, which I also attribute to the highly personalized recruitment and selection process that we offer.”

• Delegate and elevate

The most common complaint of any entrepreneur is that they do not have enough time to set aside the operational tasks of their business. The only way to grow is by delegating and elevating. By hiring virtual assistants, you can focus on strategic activities that will make you better in business and allow you to live a better life. Try it!

And now you know, hiring virtual assistance in Mexico or LATAM can yield excellent results for your organization, beyond what you think. Meet with a Cápita specialist to identify which parts of your operational processes can be delegated today. Visit for more information.


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